
You can try the application without any payment using the Demo version. All features are available for their use but with some restrictions. For further information about restrictions, refer to USER MANUAL.

After obtaining any license, the Full-flegded version is activated and all features in both development modules are fully available without any restriction.


This license authorizes users to use MODBUSTER's full version on a single computer (1).

Multi User

This license authorizes users to use the MODBUSTER's full version on up to three (3).


Multi User Plus

This license authorizes users to use the MODBUSTER's full version on up to five (5).

The EMULATOR allows the user to emulate a Client/Master node in order to validate its interaction with the Server/Slave node under development in a very flexible and easy way. This module is especially intended for the most advanced phases in the development cycle of a MODBUS Server/Slave node.

The COMMAND VERIFICATOR CENTER allows the user to verify/validate MODBUS commands individually also in a very flexible and easy way. This is intended to support the developer mainly in the earlier phases of the development cycle where every command needs to be verified/validated separately.

The COMMAND ANALYZER included in the Command Verificator Center module identifies and highlights the different command fields. In addition to this, an INTERPRETER ENGINE interpretes the data containing in the corresponding field.